Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

With all the potential to grow.....

It's been a bit of a hard time recently especially regarding the present situation of the ongoing saga with relation to the Fire Brigades Pension - basically the deal I signed up to back in 2001 is "Not worth the paper it's printed on!!"

And I am not the only person who has been hit financially recently - I am sure we all have our own stories of broken promises, whether it be financial or otherwise - plans that we have in place that are snatched away due to one thing or another and then the cry goes out ...Why? and What Now?

As a Christian, I read that I should not worry - Christ reminded His followers time and again...."not to Worry" and in fact I have (as alluded to in other blips) just finished a book by Max Lucado called "Fearless" which again is a reminder to me of where my trust should be - In Christ -

And yet there is a part of me that does have concerns for the future - "How will my mortgage be paid off now?" , "How can I support my kids if they decide to go to university etc etc" - concerns that are real, but for me, it's what I do about those concerns that matters - do I let them "Eat me up at night" or do I hand them over to the "One who knows me better than I know myself - Father in Heaven".

Sometimes it's hard to let go and not hold on to situations that can overwhelm us and yet I know that is what I should do

The picture today is of an acorn - small unassuming yet perfectly formed and within it all the DNA to allow it to grow into a beautiful oak tree - if I decide to plant the seed, water it , nurture it, I will see growth - small at the start and then over the years, a shoot will turn into a sapling, into a young tree and finally, over many years into a mighty oak tree - a tree that will provide shelter, shade, food, and much, much more to many other living things..... and yet it must trust in the one who put that DNA together in the first place - God -

And so I will continue to learn to trust that my Heavenly Father cares not only about that acorn and has placed inside it all the building material it needs to grow, but that He also cares about me, that He knows me and thru His son Jesus has shown me unimaginable love - so I place my trust in the future in Him, knowing that all potential and creativity is within me, I will let Him be my light , path and guide.

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