Riding the crest of a wave

I should have been going to help catch the wild ponies this morning but I got a call last night to let me know that they'd already managed to get them into a paddock so I wasn't needed. It was a little disappointing but at least he called and didn't waste my time, and I'm sure there'll be other opportunities.

Alan sent me a message on his way to work to say that there were a lot of surfers in the sea near the Marina, so I got ready quickly, grabbed my camera, and Louis and I went for a walk. It was great watching them, watching the surf, and waiting for the right size wave, and I quickly learnt from their moves when they would go. A few times the waves were too big and they disappeared under, but they obviously know what they're doing and safely came out the other side. I picked this shot as I like the expression on his face - you can really see the adrenaline rush!

I planned to go to Zumba as usual this morning, but it's a beautiful day so I sent a text to my roller blading buddy to see if she fancied going skating instead. Fortunately she was free, so we arranged to meet up after I dropped Louis at home. We couldn't skate near the marina as it had been so rough in the night that the undercliff walk was covered in debris, so we arranged to meet in Hove and skated for an hour. She taught me some moves today, and although I still haven't mastered how to stop, I can now turn left and right and go round in a circle - not bad for my second attempt! Once we'd finished, we sat in the sun and had a nice hot chocolate which was well deserved.

I apologise for my lack of comments over the weekend, but I shall now catch up with you all. Hope you're having a good day!

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