
By kas18

My Boys

Hi Tom

I was a bit stuck for a blip photo today so I picked one of my very favourites. I just love this photo of the three of you. It brings back such wonderful memories of happy times together, and the funny things you got up to.

It was a shame the connection to FaceTime was a bit rubbish tonight. I liked the snow on the rimrocks that you managed to show me. It looks so pretty. It's getting cold here and it's grey and damp today.

I've been busy today. I started with bootcamp and a run. Then it was off to fat club and I lost 2lbs. Came home sorted out the dogs, did some tidying up and then took my friend Julie for her scan. All seems well.

We went out after her scan for a bite to eat and a drink. It's lovely sitting in the local pub with a roaring fire on the go.

Then it was off to do the dreaded Tesco run. I brought the shopping home and popped it on the table as I needed the loo badly. When I came back to the kitchen I found the dogs had eaten half of my olive bread....Oscar had climbed up on the table and took it out of the bag and shared it with Maisie. They are so naughty....they remind me of you three getting up to mischief when you were young. You all look like butter wouldn't melt! Angels in disguise....but I couldn't love you more if I tried. X

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