Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Crystal Cove between Laguna and Newport Beach

Often our Mondays bring a carefree morning because I work in the evenings with students in my online office chat room. So this morning we drove to the shore to have a breakfast date with each other.

We loved being there . . . we always do. The tide was coming in, so I caught a photo of Mr. Fun as a wave ended just past him. I also managed to catch a couple decent shots of some waves breaking, the one of the lifeguard stand was taken from the table where we were eating breakfast, and then as we were making our exit from the backside of the outdoor restaurant, I turned and captured a photo of the bar stools and then the umbrellas on the dining patio.

Breakfast was delicious. Mr. Fun, keeping with his diet, had a large bowl of wonderful looking fresh fruit and black coffee. I had poached eggs, fruit, whole grain wheat toast, and a glass of water. It's exactly what I ordered when we were there in August (it's worth looking at--lovely to see and better to eat!).

We've now walked across the threshold of autumn and we've had a good day. Because we played in the pool last night until almost midnight, I've backblipped yesterday's photo and journal.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments about our two girls and the birthday celebration on the 19th. I can hardly believe Ashly is 21!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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