Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fire in Norco

When I exited the classroom at 12:45 today, the hot dry winds were blowing and the sky to the East was filled with black smoke. I was on my way to work in the Writing Center from 1:00-2:00. When I left the Writing Center I could still see the smoke as I walked across the campus to a large meeting of all faculty. At 3:00 as I walked back toward my office, I could see smoke but not nearly so much.

I stopped on my drive home and took the top photos and then captured the final two as we watched the evening news. As I watched I understood why I had seen so much black smoke earlier in the day.

Here in Southern California the Santana winds are an every autumn danger. Today's high was 106 degrees. The heat combined with the wind is lethal.

I haven't heard the cause of the Norco fire, but I was more than thankful to learn that in the burning of 175 acres, not one home was lost. Norco is a rural community. This must have been terribly frightening for the animals. I believe the shot of the horses is near this spot that I blipped this past May.

Several other fires are also burning in Southern California. We like having a September to Remember, but not one with flames.

Thanks for all the nice comments yesterday on our morning at the beach.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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