Scone: Part 6

Today Angela and I went to Cup Tea Lounge in Glasgow for the 6th instalment of the Afternoon Tea Tour. We had high expectations - we'd heard good things and I'm pretty sure friends of mine know the owners and had their cupcakes at their annual BBQ in July. They were delicious then, so we were looking forward to today.

We had a festive afternoon tea, reasonably priced at £16.95 including a mulled wine or a hot apple cider on top. Everything was nice, but nothing was exceptional. Call us picky, but now on our 6th establishment, we want to be amazed. The serving staff were very attentive, but unfortunately they missed 2 items from our stand - the advertised chocolate orange cup and our mince pies. We had to ask for them. They lost marks for that.

Cup came in joint second with the Willow Tearooms with a score of 31/40. Nothing has yet beaten our first afternoon tea experience at the Hidden Lane Tearooms. This is becoming gold standard.

As ever, it was lovely to see Angela, and Mini P-S is definitely growing - Angela has a very definite bump now! Can't wait for him/her to arrive!

In other news, the combination of the half marathon, dancing, one too many rum and ginger beers, and not much sleep has left me tired and aching today. Roll on bedtime!

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