Christmas Festival

4years 48days

The JumpingBeans had come to visit us for the weekend because our town was holding its wonderful festival of Christmas. They brought with them their little elf. A kindness elf. Piper hid in the play kitchen. Swimming in packing peanuts. She brought with her sticker books for each child. Katie spotted hers the second she'd come downstairs. She was fully dressed when she came down - I had made her some Christmas trousers from gorgeous Robert Kaufman snowman fabric. As soon as she saw them, she wanted them on.

We all headed out to church this morning. Katie & Bean went into their group. I had a wonderful time playing with Bear in the creche. Bean & Katie played in the room the children all play in after church. All three of the children had a play outside on the climbing course. We finally then headed into town!

Katie and I saw the cart dogs and stroked an owl while we waited for the Beans to park. We found a friend and her baby who joined us for some of the afternoon. We found the Beans near a Girls' Brigade band playing, having passed the Salvation Army band and the Police Band. We all headed to the festival of Christmas trees. Katie took a lot more interest in them this year. She spent quite a while at the huge crib scene looking through all the characters. Her and Bean also had a quite serious conversation where she was explaining about the memorial stones in the church and about dying & what happens when you do!

We headed then for a late lunch. This was an epic fail on venue choice. Utter garbage. They are receiving a brutally honest facebook review as it was disgusting food, expensive and appalling service. They even managed to get an order of 3 glasses of tap water wrong. So on leaving we hunted replacement food all round. The sun was beginning to set into beautiful pinks by then. The lights looked even more beautiful.

Katie loves these swings. Her photo for the festival in 2012 was her on one. I love this years version! Her and the beans then spent an incredible time on some of those wooden boat swings. Like crazy long amount of time. They started packing down around them! When they started taking some of the other boats down, I finally managed to convince Katie off.

We headed to a really family friendly pub in the town centre for drinks and a play with their toys. The children did well. I love seeing the three of them together, they get on brilliantly. Early evening we all headed to Costa for our church's cafe church event. Carols at Costa its imaginatively named. It was a packed and fabulous carol singing. The children's choir sang and were adorable. The singing was enthusiastic and fun. A really happy couple of hours before we said goodbye to the Beans. A fabulous weekend!!

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