
By MamaOfBoys

Baby fingers

With babies I love the feet and hands they're so tiny and gorgeous. I mean the rest of them is yum all babies are yummy but I just love those tiny fingers and toes.

I took Marley to the doctors today just to go over a few things with her she's so lovely and she's not only been the boys doctor since they were babies but she's been my doctor since I was 3 so I trust her and she's so thorough. It's great to go to someone who knows you and your family so well. Anyway she hadn't received any reports on Mar so was shocked when I told her that the ministry of education thought he had aspergers. She was absolutely sure that he doesn't. She had a feel of his tummy as he's been complaining daily of a sore tummy when he needs to go toilet and he's partly blocked through most of his intestine, he won't use school toilet for bowel motion instead he's holding until he gets home which is an anxiety thing. So she gave me some stuff to clear him out a bit, he's put on weight so she wasn't too worried.

So after we left I sent an email to all therapist's involved just because I was upset, not long after the psychologist from Hillmorton called and said that it's informal and not official as she's about to go on leave and hasn't written up a report but she's unwilling to diagnose Mar with aspergers, she just doesn't see it.

She agreed with me when I said that the psychologist and speech therapist/ lead worker from the ministry of education are almost willing it to be aspergers. She said when they scored his assessment they kept scoring it in favour of aspergers she said for some reason they see it.

Another psychologist from Hillmorton who has never met Mar and went to observe him didn't see it either and these are people who deal with autistic children daily. She said though he had have some slight delays and his behaviour isn't quite right but they all agree at Hillmorton that it's post traumatic stress along with his environment with a disabled brother.

It was such a relief to hear that from her, it really made my day. I mean there's still a lot of work to go with Marley he's going to need a lot of support but for now we can just relax and give him a great holidays.

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