From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Hello Rudolph! Where's your red nose?

Here's a Saturday quickie for you. It was the usual trip to Stratford upon Avon yesterday with a change of meeting place so it was a case of taking pictures by the river as it wasn't raining. I was amazed at the enormous amount of seagulls flying around or sat on lampposts and did take several photos of many who I'm sure I recognised! I thought I'd spare you my feathered friends as I dare say I'll catch one or two in Ayr next week. This reindeer was in an area by the theatre enjoying(?) the attention of visitors.

It was a brief meeting with Frank and Ann to exchange presents and good wishes and then it was back to the Garrick Inn for me to watch the football results dribble through while having Abbot Ale and chips. I must remember to get bird nuts from Robert Dyas in Solihull tomorrow as I forgot about them yesterday.

Also, while in the Garrick, watching the box, I was reminded that it was the 25th anniversary of the Lockerbie air disaster. Father Keegans (now Canon Keegans) used to be the priest in Lockerbie at the time of the disaster and appeared on the screen in front of me during the news feature. The whole street where he lived was destroyed with wreckage from the plane but his house was spared (I read a while ago). Needless to say, he was involved in counselling the needy and helping where he could at the time before he went through a breakdown of his own. The little town had many houses with bodies in the gardens for days awaiting forensic testing while huge investigations were ongoing and the disaster changed the lives of many people who still live there forever.

The reason I mention it particularly is because Canon Keegans has been the resident priest in Ayr for years now and I usually bump into him either in Marks and Spencers or on the bridge. It's rather odd seeing him on the telly in Stratford telling me not to forget to come to mass on Christmas Day! Well, he wasn't, but you know what I mean! As the sound was turned down in the pub, there was no way to be sure what he was saying...

Track? I don't post many Christmas tracks but this one was playing on the radio while I was in the shower this morning - I Believe In Father Christmas

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