
Well our little JimBob isn't doing too bad with guests in the house.

It's difficult to show people that a year ago he was much much worse. He was practically uncontrollable. Whereas today he's simply uncontrollable. Vast improvement.

But he takes instructions these days (when he wants to), he looks for guidance (when he wants to), and he's quite obedient (when he wants to be).

And our guests seem to be able to handle him as well which is an improvement of what we thought would happen.

The best bit is that since I put a gate up, he and Mason don't eat from the cat box these days.

Another good thing is that despite the usual "he's a pitbull" our guests look past that, and just see an animated dog that's more interested in ripping their socks off and not giving them back, rather than ripping their arms and limbs out.

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