Catch her while you can

The view from my office window this morning. The neighbour's cat Alfie - who you can just spot sat on the gate post - and I are quite partial to this particular vista.

Angus had Audrey this morning so I could work. And I had a very satisfying few hours writing a press release about a new client too. Been putting this job off as I knew it needed my full concentration but cracked it today. Felt very pleased with myself.

Also booked us another little break in a few weeks to a hotel in Worcester (spurred on by our successful trip to London last weekend).

I decamped for coffee to The Laundrette just as Angus and Audrey were wheeling back from a run round Longford Park so my quiet last half hour with my laptop turned into Audrey running amok in there.

Angus and I had a handover on her nap and then I took her into the city this afternoon. She hates it when I shop so it was a very quick fly round Primark and Selfridges. More of a 'smash and grab and worry about returning stuff later' situation.

We had our tea at All Star and my little sis Laura joined us at the end as she has really missed Audrey lately and wanted to see her. It was a case of her catch her while you can though as Audrey just ran around the place whilst we followed.

Left town a bit late and ended up on a packed commuter tram back to Chorlton. Audrey was beyond tired as we fought our way through the rainy streets. I had to skip the bath and get her straight to bed as the poor little lamb was beat! She just never stays still for a minute so it is no wonder she wears herself out!

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