Still Hanging Around......Hotter than Hades

I thought that most of the Pelicans would be gone by now.
Ive seen a few sprinkled here and there so it was fabulous to catch this little bunch down at the river this afternoon.

I went into Byron to pick up my pic of a BIG seagull which I entered into the Byron Arts was so hot I felt to scoot back home....but of course decided to stop off at the was nice to be greeted by these grunting beauties.

I could be wrong but I was told that when the beaks get very pink that they are ready for mating....I reckon the one on the far right is a bit ready for the 'ole one two' for sure then.

Where I live is a very touristy place and a lot of my favorite haunts are swarming with folk.........(don't get me wrong I don't begrudge them sharing MY river as long as they clean up after themselves)....I will be so happy though...when the holidays are over and the cooler weather comes around.

“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky.”
― Hafez

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