Scarlett's First Birthday

I can't believe where the last year has gone, and how Scarlett as grown. It's hard to think how tiny she was when she was born 7 weeks early, and for those of you who didn't know me a year ago here's my blip from that day.

Rachel & Scott took Scarlett to her swimming lesson this morning so she didn't open any presents until after her nap, and they said she enjoyed the balloons most of all as you can see Rachel's blip.

We drove over to see Alan's mum and dad this morning and then we went over to Rachel and Scott's this afternoon. Scarlett was still asleep when we got there and at 4pm Rach had to go and wake her up as we had a table booked at Frankie & Benny's for her birthday tea. We decided to leave opening our presents until we got back later, but my friend Kate had made a lovely birthday cake for her so we lit the candle and sang happy birthday to her before we went out.

We're back at mum's now and ready for an early night as we didn't arrive until well after midnight last night, and it was 1.30am when we finally got to bed. So I'll say goodnight and wish you all a good weekend - apologies once again for the lack of comments!

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