Red Grouse for Sunday lunch

We had a good birdwatching walk at lunchtime seeing a number of interesting birds but none to beat this male Sparrowhawk having Red Grouse for lunch at the Golf Club.

As my friend Bill said elsewhere this was quite a catch by the Sparrowhawk but we don't really know how he got hold of it - did he catch it himself or simply take possession. A Kestrel was also interested and swooped down but the Sparrrowhawk spread his wings and covered his meal. The Kestrel retreated to Shire Hill wood.

Plenty of Crows around and some Fieldfare but a close encounter with a Dipper was the other highlight - it was on a small stream Yelllowslacks Brook when disturbed when we stopped for a look about. It flew over my head and onto Shelf Brook at the farm but I still didn't get a photo.

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