
We went up to Nelson today - just because we could.

After breakfast at Morrison St Cafe, a morning in town and then a stop at The Warehouse for a bucket and spade, we went out to the beach. Sebastian likes the beach! He had a whale of a time.

He played with the bucket and spade - for about 3 minutes. Then the lure of the water won out. Initially he went in with Mummy, and fully clothed. Then, once he was properly saturated, he agreed to toss the clothes and have more sunblock on.

After that there was no stopping him - a naked little boy swam for the next hour.

When we finally talked him into going (hot chips and an ice-block for a late lunch was the only bribe that worked) we had to stop at Richmond as all of Sarah's clothes were saturated by then too. By then they'd been in up to her waist and his neck for a good part of that hour.

A wonderful day and a very tired and salty little boy.

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