
As if the snow was not bad enough, today we have ice. Every branch, pole and power line has a layer of ice with little icicles hanging from it. It looks as if everything is made of glass. I took this of the dogwood tree from my bedroom window this afternoon.
We are fortunate not to have any strong winds because even without any wind branches are falling. Now all eyes are on this weekend when yet another storm is due to hit. This one could be a bad one but it is still too soon to be sure. Let us just say that the weather forecasters are very popular right now with everyone checking in for updates on the weekend’s weather event.
Fingers crossed that I do not lose power like many other people have from this last storm. My cousin, Pzap had just reminded me about digging out the flashlights and getting batteries just in case. As it is, my oven is broken and the repairperson did not have the part we needed so he has to come back. It is frustrating when you schedule an appointment for repairs and set the time aside to have someone come and then they do not carry the correct parts to do the job. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about not being able to cook as much though! Indian take out tonight!

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