
While the Minx was out galavanting in Manchester, last night, I took care of the babysitting. To be honest, this wasn't too onerous as the little ones did some shrieking and banging about upstairs, whilst I did some cooking, listened to David Sylvian and had a responsibly small amount of wine downstairs.

This morning, Dan and Abi were off to the zoo with the Cubs/Scouts, so that left me and the MiniMinx to entertain ourselves while we waited for her mum to get home. As D&A needed dropping off in Carnforth, I decided we'd head from there towards Manchester via Morecambe so we could have a look at the sea.

The quality of conversation was excellent, covering the inconsistencies of spelling and pronunciation in English, how we get the words skirt and shirt from the same German word, how you will never reach the edge of the world by walking in one direction and the topological features of Morecambe Bay.

We stopped as we went along the front so I could take a photo. Given her mother's passion for Instagram, the Miniminx was not at all bemused by this!

We had a look at the artificial harbour that had been built and the ships sheltering within. As the tide was out, most of the boats were lying on their side, which made for a cracking sequence of photos, especially as there was a brief splash of watery sunshine.

But then I saw this fellow, fatally wounded below the waterline and slowly being consumed by the mud. He was irresistible photo-fodder and I added him to the shots I'd taken already. Moribund, it's not in any way a representation of my day but I like it too much not to use it. Perhaps he'll be found by archaeologists in 850,000 years' time.

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