
A friend of mine - whom I won't name in case he doesn't like me telling you - has signed up to a service that emails him several times a day. And each time it does, he has to record something good that has happened. I liked the example he gave me, which was that as he was trying to think of something, he realised that his daughter's cold had gone away. I like it because we don't always notice when bad things - coughs, headaches, whatever - fade away.

So, even if this service seems a little contrived, I think it does serve a purpose, which is to make us notice the positives in our lives and not just the bad things which are often impossible to ignore.

Last Thursday and Friday I had two bits of good news, which together were certainly worth celebrating but I was on my own Thursday evening and on Friday I had three children in my care, which is hardly the time to start cracking open bottles of wine.

While I wouldn't say I'd forgotten about the good news by this evening, the urge to celebrate had passed but fortunately the Minx made sure that we did.

So, here's to the good things in life. Let's not forget to notice them.

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