wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Saturday ride to Pineland Farms

I tried to use a filter on this or change it to mono but, in the end, au natural it seems is always the best.

My Dad and husband go to breakfast every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The restaurant they go to Bernie's is their favorite.
As a matter of fact.
Thursday I saw my rose plant from my husband. It was so cute. I can't wait to plant it outside. (I am resurrecting my fairy garden this year) There was a rose plant much larger than mine in a box. I asked if he had bought me another.

Oh no no no. That was for the waitresses Sydney and Myrna at Bernie's for valentine's day.
In all honesty they are so nice to my boys and I think it was so sweet.

Aaaaaand Ethel just jumped on top of me and laid across the iPad.
Ok brief break.

Anyway if I am not busy I go to Bernie's and elbow into the girls territory.
Then we take a ride. Today is was to Pineland Farms to buy chicken pies. ( for some reason we accent the first syllable of chicken pies and make it one word). This tractor was on the way. And I immediately thought of this song
tractor song

Meanwhile Donal and I will attempt to hang the light fixture this afternoon.
My job is to make sure that the power is off.
Good thing he bought me the roses.

Hope your day is great.

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