
Audrey wore her first tutu today. I couldn't resist it (eBay bargain) and she rocked it in her own individual way as always (covered in baked bean stains with wellies).

Lovely Saturday all told (although have been exhausted all day after a sleepless night with her). Am very tired at the moment, hormones again or summat.

Walked up to Manley Park with the pram this morning, Audrey fell in a mudbath and I hadn't taken any wipes so that was fun. Then drove up to Mum and Dad's after her nap and hung out there. My sis Laura was there too which was a lovely bonus (see pic). And it was great to be cooked for.

There was a moment when Audrey was sat at the table with us all having tea in her highchair - in her tutu - spooning a yoghurt onto her face (not into her mouth typically) when Dad said, "She's one of us now". And she really is...such a little character...

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