Mums Reunited

Up early at the hairdressers this morning for a maintenance trim. Left it as long as possible between cuts but the time had come!

Then went to visit my friend who was recently in rehab. He checked himself out of rehab after a week so was a bit cross with him really. He now claims he was never an alcoholic in the first place and that compared to the people in there, he didn't have a problem (this is a man who drank a bottle of spirits a day practically in November and December and contemplated ending it all). And what riled me even more is that he is even planning to start drinking again at Easter. I found it hard to not fall out with him but how do you help someone that can't help themselves? Left feeling really frustrated and worried for him.

Drove home to do some work then picked Audrey up early from nursery as we had an NCT mums get-together this afternoon (see pic). I'm the only Mum of the group that works Fridays so I alway miss out on their get-togethers normally. Was determined to see everyone today and am so glad I did. It was lovely, especially as the kids are now starting to play together. One of the Mums we don't see very often as she lives further away came too and it was great to see her again. The full gang reunited (almost).

Audrey over-heated in the room though and got a bit of cabin fever so she turned into a bit of a handful when I got home. Just tired, I think. She's like me in that way, you don't want to be around me when I'm tired. Grouchy doesn't even cover it....

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