Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

The literal wee man

Following on from the last couple of days of accidental potty training, the wee man trumped himself by doing a number two on demand! Unbelievable (thankfully I resisted the urge to blip his poo).

I read that it was useless to try and potty train too young as it would just prolong the actual ordeal, rather than speeding it up. Apparently a baby can't really control their bladder at such a young age so any attempts just eek out the process. However, clearly the wee man has other ideas...

Maybe Nikki should go away more often. In the couple of days that she's been gone, we've already weened him off the boob and got him potty trained (I don't believe we have yet).

It's fair to say he was a little restless today. Grandma took the wee man to Happy Ears this morning while my brother and I started planning our potential downstairs extension. When we bought our house we didn't realise we had a basement of the same scale as upstairs. Granted, the front of the house is level with the street but the rear of the house sits well above ground level, meaning we have plenty of room for rooms (and windows) under our feet. Given that my brother Edward is an architect, we're in a great position to get our plans together and submit our planning application. According to big brother, it should be fairly straight forward. We've spoken to a couple of the other tenement owners and we don't expect any immediate objections. Fingers crossed it all works out. Being the geek I am, I've already modeled the plans in 3D ready to present to Nikki on her return. I guess that's what happens when you spend the majority of your day making video games!

In the afternoon we drove down to Lincoln, where we plan to spend a few days seeing friends and family.  As a result the wee man was up late. Very late. So was hard to settle for the night (I think he's finally gone down at 11pm - this wouldn't happen on Nikki's watch).

Speaking of Nikki, it sounds like Nikki had a great time at Ai Linh and David's wedding. Unfortunately it rained a bit at the ceremony and traffic was a bit crazy due to Mardi Gras but it didn't dampen the celebrations at all. The reception was gorgeous - great food, lovely moving speeches and cute bridal dances. I'm delighted that Nikki was able to attend but I'm rather jealous I missed out.

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