It doesn't have to be this way...
Unlike many who argue the rights and wrongs of independence for Scotland - I decided to read the white paper for Scotland's independence.
I really wish I hadn't!
The blanket statement 'the Scottish Government supports independence for Scotland'. 'The Scottish government believes you should vote yes'. Is wrong - the First Minister and his wee friend and the 'yes' campaigners believe this and support this; however there are many other members of the Scottish government who don't support or believe this!
It is not a Scottish government guide to Independence - it is a Yes Campaign manifesto.
And oh, it's it very pretty; and there are lovely pictures and it smells great!
But sadly it is sprinkled with statements announcing ' we will do this'. 'We will do that'
Jesus h Christ - if we do everything they suggest - we will be bankrupt by the end of 2016!
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