Hungry Pooch

When Cocoa decides it's dinner time, he rattles his dish with his paw until I give him something. Maera will steal his food if I'm not careful. She works in stealth mode, carefully lifting the whole bowl and it's contents, without spilling a drop, to transport it to a quiet area of the house out of sight. Unfortunately, I never have the camera to hand when she does it. Cocoa is easier to catch in the act as the bowl makes one hell of a din!

I was about to load this when I looked out of the window and saw the moon. It was incredibly beautiful, tipped to contain the stars and completely surrounded with an iridescent halo in all the colours of the rainbow. It was late and I didn't have time to set up to photograph it before going to work. I took camera and tripod with me, set up and found I had no card in the camera. Damn and blast!

Oh well, I love my dog anyway.

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