Spring Has Sprung

Hi Tom

This morning I ran/walked 5 miles with Justine. We ran a mile and as she was having trouble breathing decided to go back to basics and do the walk/run routine. It's so much better to do it like that for her....and to be honest for me too at the moment. I need to build my running up again and I know this is the best way to do it. I really need to work at this as I have the gauntlet to do in just a months time. I need to work on my strength and fitness.

I took this as our route took us by the river. This swan was just gliding along the river all by itself. It was so springlike today. So much colour from the spring flowers and buds on trees just starting to open. It was quite beautiful. I love days like today.

Tonight I'm going to hand my notice in for Saturdays. I really don't want to do them anymore. I'll take it up to Easter and then that's it. I feel so much better having made that decision. Telling my friend I'm not doing it anymore will be hard for me to do. I'm not good at this kind of thing as I don't like letting people down. But I know I must do it before she sorts the lessons for next term out. I know it must be done now.

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