bucks life

By bucksmiss

Quiz night

What a day. I kept to my resolution and got to work at 7.50am, which is early for me I can tell you. I then toiled at my desk until 5.45pm, which is late for me too. I didn't leave the floor and hardly left my desk all day. Lunch was a creme egg I found in my drawer. Bonus.

I got a ton of work done and logged over 8 chargeable hours. It shows how busy I am compared to recent years, which is a very good thing. I broke the back of the backlog and as a result felt great. That said, one colleague asked me if I was ok and if I was stressed. I was shocked as I'd simply got my head down and kept myself to myself. Then I remembered I'd snapped very rudely at a junior colleague yesterday. So, I think everyone was steering clear today too and thought I was still stressed out. Whoops. I haven't yet apologised to my colleague but will do so on Monday when I see her. She has a thick skin but certainly didn't deserve my ire.

Then I hot footed it over to MK grabbing some dinner on the way to the Jury's Inn to attend the annual quiz night held by our local hospice. It's always very well attended, at least 35 teams of 8 so rather unruly. Last year, our team actually won to our complete surprise and we got champers and a rather nice trophy. This year we middled. Well, we have to let others have a chance. They raised loads of money, which was the aim. It's a cause close to my heart as my father was cared for and died in the hospice.

My blip is of the quiz night and is nearly sooc. I've tweaked the colour but the effect was created by turning the camera as I took the shot. Intentionally, of course!

I have to be on a farm in St Neots by 9.30am tomorrow. Another early start!

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