Good news!

So I went to the physio yesterday and he told me that my ankle had vastly improved and that I would be able to try for a run on Sunday.

With certain caveats:

1. No more than 3 miles
2. My feet must be strapped with kinesiology tape
3. I must only run on the pavement - absolutely no uneven terrain
4. I must do my exercises before I go
5. I must do lots of calf stretches when I return
6. Then 3 days rest (with cycling) before I can run again

Sounds like a good deal to me!

So I'm just back from a slow steady 5k. My ankle was stiff and I could definitely feel it the whole time, but it didn't sprain again - so that's positive news! I think careful is the key until it's strong again. Funnily, my right foot (the one I had thought had taken the most damage) was completely fine.

It's quite weird that almost this time last year, I was running a massive PB at the Lochaber marathon. This year I'm just happy to be able to run a slow and steady 5k. Each are just as important.

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