Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

Household hints

I came across this 'tried and tested' household and cookery book today, from the 1950s/60s. Some of it was quite amusing...and some of it was a bit racist!

This page had various kitchen hints and tips, and makes cooking sound like a terrifying experience!

I've never heard of testing the freshness of eggs like that...
Watch out for EVIL DEATH TRAP jellies and scary milk that might be "on the turn"! *gasp*
If that's all a bit much, make sure you have a handy revolving stool to sit down on - you'll need all your energy to face the next culinary danger that could strike at any moment! (It's funny that nowadays we're pretty much being told the opposite - that sitting down is 'injurious to health'!)

In all seriousness, we probably take a lot of things relating to food safety for granted these days. Where would we be without our fridges and freezers?! (Probably propped up on a stool, praying for cool weather!)

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