...........wax on, wax off........

The Daughter's work is going overboard with the Easter thing.....she's already brought two chocolate eggs home........today they all drew names out of a hat....the task to decorate an egg to resemble the work colleague who's name you drew out.

Rach got lucky...........her target is into karate....and has a liking for bling........so an egg in a white suit......a green belt.....and a tin foil watch.......and Robert is your uncle!

Funny day today...the Boss woke me at 6.30 to tell me we had no hot water......we couldn't get the boiler re-pressurised.........so had to phone Phil.......that stopped my early morning fishing.......Phil rang back an hour later to say he'd call in.....but he didn't know when.eventually left to go fishing at 10.00!

Lovely day.......so every one was out........went to our main water.......everyone told me on Sunday...." Go to Starmount, it's fishing its nuts off"............I did.....it wasn't......three hours without a bite...........home....a few domestic chores......Phil arrived just after 3.00.......took him all of three minutes to sort the hot water....by doing exactly what we'd done this morning......"You're not holding your mouth right when you try the restart" was all he said.

The Boss came home early.......we sorted out who was visiting her Dad at the weekend..........then sorted my Dad to come here......so...a long trip on the morning......an overnight stay..back here on Thursday....and then take him back home Monday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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