..........5 star service....not!.....

At Dad's trying to persuade him to
a) withdraw some cash from his P.O. pension acc and transfer it into his bank as he can no longer get to the P.O.
b) agree to setting up a Power of Attorney while he is still able to do so
c) come and stay with us for the Easter break.

This is the spare room.......he's known I've been coming to stay overnight for several weeks.......but here's the bed covered in clean but not ironed clothes.....papers.....and an empty Tupperware box! It's like this every time I come.

So far I've managed a), b) after a bit of a discussion and prevarication...but c) is proving to be more problematic.......mainly because he doesn't see why I want/need to be away fairly early in the morning........so he's refusing to pack a bag this evening!

It'll be sorted tomorrow..........but probably only after I've been firm with him......and he's thrown his toys out of the pram........and probably told me he's not coming!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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