A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Lazy Evening!

After a busy day I am enjoying a lazy evening with my lovely husband. We are sat watching 'End of Days' and catching up as it feels like forever since we spent some proper time together. He's been especially lovely today as he's just done all the washing up for me!

Spent most of the day washing and cleaning...what an exciting life I lead! Can't wait until we are all out most of the day so there is less cleaning to do!

Enjoying a snuggle with Maisie now as she's poorly! Thankfully the vet agrees with our decision that while she isn't suffering we aren't doing anything! Still makes me sad though!

Got a busy day again tomorrow...going swimming, got to go up in the loft and my sister is coming around for the afternoon as well! Roll on Sunday...we are having a PJ day!

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