wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


I actually looked at the colors of roses and what they meant. I was looking for a " I should keep my mouth shut and think before I speak" color rose. Yeah there isn't one. So, I declare this one means that.
Something was suggested to me about a theme and I took offense and reacted.
Funny that has never been successful for me in the past. Do I learn? NO
So I offer this one as a peace offering.
It was employee appreciation week. I wanted to give a rose to each of my co workers. We really are a family and I wanted them to know how much I appreciate them.
So I bought some to shoot as well. Actually a lot to shoot as well.
Flowers make me happy and orange is my favorite color. So this is a " ok I am a reactionary bitch rose"

I don't know if he was right or not, but it has caused some introspective thinking.

Tomorrow ....humor abounds!!!!!!!!!
Have a great night!

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