Bach's Violin Concertos

The violin is a beautiful instrument. In fact, it has been and always will be my favourite. I find violin music so stimulating and uplifting.

I used to play the violin when I was younger, so I know just how difficult it is to do well. My mum, in her infinite wisdom, tried to get both me and my sister to continue playing our instruments knowing we would regret it one day if we stopped. She was right, I do regret it. I wish I still played.

Playing the violin helped me through some difficult times. At school, I was a member of the orchestra and strings club. This meant that on Monday and Wednesday lunch times we practised. Now this was quite handy as it meant that I was one of the few people that was allowed to stay indoors at lunchtimes. But only on the specified days.

There was a time though at school that I had no friends. Classes were fine, but I hated break times. I used to feel so alone sometimes that I'd sneak up to the violin cupboard on the other days and sit and eat my packed lunch there, looking out of the window. It was my secret place. I told no one.

Funnily enough, thinking about that now it explains some of my adult behaviour. At conferences or events, I also really hate breaks - finding myself trying to hide away in a corner or another room. It seems I still don't like to join in!

Anyway, tonight I thoroughly enjoyed the Bach Concertos played by the London Concertante. They also played a few oboe concertos and it made me realise for the first time how hauntingly sad an instrument it is. Of course, it's not a violin, but it's also poignantly beautiful.

As I sat alone in the interval, I wondered why I don't do this more often. What a wonderful evening; fabulous music by one of the greatest composers, performed by exceptionally talented musicians.

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