The Artist

This is Zeezee, he's a local artist who specialises in stencil art and paints on walls, vehicles, canvasses, human bodies and basically whatever is available. You can see a lot of his stencilling around Brighton, and this morning on my way to work I saw him working on his latest piece.

I got talking to him after taking photos of his creation and asked him if I could take his photo too. He's quite a character so I decided that I should blip him today and I'll go back tomorrow and re-take his work to show you - it's pretty amazing!

In other news, I received a promotion and pay rise at work today, which was a nice surprise after only being there just over a month. So things are going well!

Anyway, I'd better go and cook the dinner as I've got to start getting our holiday clothes ready, I've not done anything yet and I'm out tomorrow night having my hair done. Only two more days in work :-)

I've just seen Scarlett's blip for yesterday, she was blowing kisses to me on FaceTime - so cute!

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