Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Dokki 1500th Blip Boy

Plans to go to Zamalek and get a Nile shot for my 1500th blip didn't happen tonight because of horrendous traffic and so I got out the taxi before even leaving our area of Dokki and went for a camera walk here. I had another little adventure tonight when I was stopped by who I can only presume to be a member of the secret police and asked for ID. I was nervous of handing my passport over in case he kept it, so held back. 'Why' he asked, as he pointed to my camera. My reply of 'just a hobby' didn't convince him and I was told to wait as he started to make a phone call on his mobile. This was on a very busy corner and with an audience of lots of men all smoking sheesha pipes on a terrace of a street cafe. I was getting edgy and I think two guys in the cafe took pity on me and shouted at him to let me go. They waved me on, but my man was having none of it and he made me wait for a few minutes more while he made his important phone call. Then came the now familiar instruction of 'Delete', as he pointed at my camera. I dutifully deleted the last few pics, all of which were of very wide angle street scenes. And then off I went, a bit shaken. I knew I had this little lad in the bag and although I hadn't planned for him to be my blip, here he is, taken with full permission of his parents I must add.

Work was fine, course flying in and trainees all tired but all coping.

1500 blips and counting and still enjoying it. Thanks to all of YOU for the support, friendship and comments through thick and thin, iPhone, iPad and big camera shots. A very big and special thank you to my lovely hubby and blipping buddy Bb. I'd have a few missed days in my calendar if it weren't for his nudging and cajoling. Thanks to blip central for all their work on this site too!

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