Mooseksen mäki

The mono theme of my home town continues.

On the way from our home to the down town (to the city centre) there is a scene I liked to share to you: it is a beautiful view between the houses over the lake Pyhäjärvi. Fortunately there is many low build houses and the view is best seen only as short climpses between houses as you drive slowly by the road - to the downtown or back.

This is one of the places however, where you can see a little slide over the houses. Mooseksen mäki. There is old wooden houses and flats side by side. The inhabitant are not very egologigally thinking here, even some of them live in cheap looking old houses and think themselves as proletary or artistic persons: As you can see in the large shot, someone seems to burn something - not pure wood - in the fireplace as there is dark smoke coming out from the pipe..

A weekend has started - and a summer holiday as well. Only a short holiday again a couple of weeks... This year seems to be like that...

I have had a good evening today: We had a chess play with my son, and quess what, I won the game!!!! This happens only rarely anymore. I am so proud of me!

Do have a splendid weekend, all!


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