Nanny's little Princess

Scarlett made my day today by saying Nanny for the first time, we clapped when she said it and then every time she said it again, she clapped her hands :-) We then tried to get to say Pappy, and although she couldn't quite manage it, she said Pappa which is close enough.

At lunch time we went to a restaurant by the beach for tapas and sangria, and then spent the afternoon at the beach - Scarlett loves the sea and the sand, and was helping her daddy to build sandcastles and a moat.

We're now about to have a BBQ and then Alan and I are planning on going into 'town' for a drink, if we're still awake - we're all quite tired tonight as we've had a lot of sun today, but a lot of the bars are showing the football, so it should be quiet a good atmosphere seeing as Spain are playing.

I took this photo of Scarlett this morning by the pool and I love her big blue eyes, she really is my little Princess :-)

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