Homeward bound

Disembarked the ship, and had another interminable wait to get out through customs. Because we had stopped in Costa Rica and Columbia the USA customs had to make sure that you were the same person going out as came in, so more finger prints and photos. Eventually boarded the coach that would take us to the everglades, and they are just as you see them on the tv.

We boarded our air boat and had a 45 minute ride, seeing alligators and other wildlife. The Everglades are actually fresh water, but they are highyl toxic, due to the monumental numbers of alligators who inhabit the area. We were warned not to put out hands in the water. If you do happen to ingest the water you have to go to hospital immediately. otherwise the consequences can be dire.

After the airboat ride we went to the 'gator' farm, these alligators are rescued from peoples swimming pools or golf courses, and they are kept permanently in this farm. If they are released they find their way back to the place where they came from. The young guy doing the show was very informative about the animals. They were quite docile as the weather had ben unseasonaly cold and they had not been able to feed, as they need the warmth so that their bodies can digest their pray. A great end to a fantastic holiday. We came away 3 kilos heavier and a lot lighter in pocket but worth every penny.


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