South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

The last of the lavender flowers

I love lavender, but ours managed to bloom fully while we were away and now it's already dying off...still looks nice though.

A trip to Asda has been made with son Paul as he needed to choose more gluten free food and also we needed to get some other things that we only like from Asda like some of their fish. I had to be careful how much fridge and freezer stuff I bought - our one in the garage is stuffed full now - I really don't think I can get another thing in there. Thank goodness the new one is arriving in a couple of days' time!

We still have a stiff breeze here today, but it's beginning to feel more humid - the end of the week sounds like fun with high humidity and storms!

Going to settle down for an hour with my tapestry now!

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