
Life and energy in the big city.

Tonight I have moved on to my next conference (the third one for these holidays) at Sky City in Auckland. I spent the morning at my previous conference listening to James Nottingham, an inspiring educator. Some great ideas and a lot to think about.

At lunch time I moved across town to the NZSTA conference - which didn't finish until after 7. It has meant there were minimal chances for photography today so this is taken in the cafe/bar (at about 9.30 pm) whilst having a coffee and a snack (which I'm calling dinner). The energy, sound and perpetual motion are so different from my usual Friday night in Murchison that I was just fascinated by it. I admit to preferring the pace at home but this does make an interesting change.

Anyway - I am going to make some effort tomorrow to get outside the convention centre for a breather and hopefully some sort of photo opportunity.

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