You can't catch meeeeee

So many pictures to choose from today! Had a great morning in Manchester walking round Castlefield and Spinngfields. Audrey was chuffed to bits to be released from the buggy. See picture of Angus chasing her down by the MOSI.

Lunch at Bill's (new fave) and then we went shopping for a new sound system for the house. Finally joined the Sonos revolution (wifi operated, didn't understand it but apparently means you can listen to your music from your phone/computer in every room you have Sonos speakers in). Even got a Spotify account finally to sync up with it. An early adopter, I am not. Took me about five years after everyone else to get an iPhone!!!

Angus spent the afternoon setting it all up and we've spent the rest of the day playing with it. The house is filled with music and it's wonderful!!!

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