From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A calm canal-side end to the day....

Friday night was very hot. I hate putting my noisy fan on but had no choice and needed it to drown the noisy car alarm out opposite. Mustang Man had gone away on holiday with his family on Thursday - rubbish for next Tuesday collection piled up at the edge of his drive - and his normal car alarm started going off at 8:30 on Friday evening and continued all through the night and most of Saturday until I stopped it! I set fire to the car and the alarm stopped when the car exploded taking the house and most of the neighbours' houses on that side of the street with it.

OK I'm joking but that was a good test to see if you were paying attention! You know I am a bad sleeper anyway getting by with 4-5 hours sleep each night but last night was ridiculous. The bloody thing going 'Wee-woo-wee-woo.......' was awful. I should have gone downstairs and slept on the settee at the back of the house but stupidly didn't. When I was setting off to Stratford later, the old guy (Tony) who lives next door to Mustang Man came out and said 'It's been going off since 8:30 last night you know?!' I smiled through clenched teeth replying 'Really?'

Anyway, I knew I had Andy's number somewhere and sent a text message seriously not expecting him to get it as that number had to be ten years old! I was a bit shocked when my phone rang later and it was Andy full of apologies wanting to give me instructions to get the house keys from Tony to go in and get the car keys etc... I explained I was in Stratford escaping the noise and wouldn't be back until later. He told me I wasn't the only mad neighbour to ring him in Spain! He would be trying the other four.

It was truly wonderful to arrive home later via the Navigation and the canal thinking I'd gone deaf! I made a sweetcorn chowder to celebrate rather than have a takeaway. Also, I'd had two takeaways and eaten out once this week already.

Go large.....

Track? I haven't played this for a while! Written by Roy Hawkins in 1951, it was made into a massive hit in 1970 by B.B. King. This version by Stan Webb's Chicken Shack is my favourite though - The Thrill Is Gone

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