at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Ivy is a dab hand at copying facial expressions. Here she is mimicking Euan who was sticking his tongue out whilst reading 'that's not my bear- his tongue is too fuzzy' (I'm considering taking a marker pen to 'that's not my monkey' becuase it features gorillas and orangutans- the edited version will feature the line 'that's not my monkey- it's an ape...' )

This morning Ivy held me hostage at nap time again- this was after she procrastinated from lying down my blowing me kisses to try and get me to laugh. Only a short nap in the end, as she took Euan building furniture downstairs as an excuse to be woken up.

Was going to take her swimming this afternoon- but she needed another nap just before it was time to go. She woke up in a terrible mood- took her for a walk to distract her and took almost an hour to get round tesco what with Ivy chatting to people and stealing Emma's employee card (her little hand reached out for it, and when she was given it quickly retreated back into the carrier with her prize)

Dinner was homemade fish fingers, spinach and garden mangetout. Fish and chips is distictly healthier than it used to be in this house. Ivy didn't want her veg, until she had 'finished' eating at which point she stole the mangetout and spinach off my plate and ate it all shouting 'nom nom'.

Tonight Ivy was dipping her hands in the pot of massage oil in her room and then rubbing her hands together, just like Euan does. Very funny.

Got very exciting post today- at the wedding we were recently, there was a little girl in giraffe trainers - i found some on ebay in a size 4 and they arrived today. Ivy's feet arn't even a size 1 yet- but i'm sure these'll fit at some point!

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