Turn around point

When I go for my walks on the boardwalk with my sister, we park the car at one end and walk all the way to the other end and back. You get a great view of the ocean and there is plenty of people watching to do. Besides, we know how many miles the boardwalk is so it's easy to figure out how far you have walked.

My blip is of the end of the boardwalk were we turn around and head back the other way towards the cars. There is a pavilion there that sells refreshments and there are bathrooms etc. As I was walking towards the pavilion today I thought it looked colorful with the people and the flowers. We usually take a moment when we reach this end to stop and look out at the sea. It's a good excuse for a break to be honest. Especially today because the sun was very hot and there was little breeze which is unusual. By the time we got back to the car we were both overheated and enjoyed the cold water we had waiting in the car.

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