...........herding cats...........

Today was the start of the three day epic for the Boss' Dad............who is 90.

He didn't want a party...........but he's getting one....well two actually...because the Boss and her brothers decided he was having one!

So we drove north today............arrived around lunch time.......and then it started........the Boss has two older brothers............older by about 11 years...........and a younger brother............by about 11 years............so they never actually all lived together.

Individually they are different characters.....I like Pete and Rob a lot.......we have the same sense of humour............but put them all together and they can't decide on a bloody thing.

So .....gradually over the course of the afternoon all those attending the evening "do" gathered........a trip to Tesco to buy loads of sandwiches.............ended up with 10 of us sat around a table making up our own salads............people drifted away........the Edinburgh contingent arrived late afternoon.....and the team from "dahn sarth" were running late............so just before 7.00 there was ahuge amount of milling about....umming and aahing.....prevarication and procrastination....trying to decide who had to go in which car and who had to get a taxi..........hence the title......it was like trying to herd cats.

Eventually it was all sorted.....we all arrived at the venue and the alcohol began to flow.....tonight's blip is the Boss' younger brother, Rob......who has, as you can see partaken of a shandy or two.

After the meal a similar exercise in herding cats was gone through to get every one back to the Birthday Boy's house.......more drink was taken........and around about midnight another dithering session took place concerning getting to the small hotel and two B&B's where we were all staying.

Tune in for tomorrows thrilling installment.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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