Just so

Bad night's sleep (Angus getting in late from work) so we decided to take it easy today. We had bought some tickets to a festival called Just So Festival in Cheshire so decided to head over and take a look later this afternoon. Took this picture of Angus at the smoothie stall! It was all set over woodland and was really quite magical with fairy lights, lanterns and tipees. Probably a little old for Audrey's age but I could imagine her loving something like this when she's older.

Audrey has been strange with Angus the last few weeks, pushing him away, running to me whenever he is in the room etc. It started badly today when she said "Daddy go to work" when he tried to talk to her. But at the festival they had a really good time, rolling down hills and playing in the straw. He promises us he'll be around a bit more over the next few weeks as his job settles a little. Really hope so as I think Audrey and I have both really missed him.

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