From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

..On a hurtlin' fevered train....

The title are from today's track featured in Good Will Hunting, another Robin Williams film.

I am tired today so this will be quick. I have spent most of today trying to sort out the strangest report problem. I am not rebuilding the whole thing! I will find another way tomorrow!

I have a stomach ache. I think I ate too much today.

This morning on the breakfast Radio WM show, people were ringing in complaining about the rail fares going up again next year. I'm glad I don't use trains much these days and only have short local line jaunts to the airport. Planes are much cheaper especially when you can't plan ahead.

Someone rang in saying that all the drivers are paid too much which is why the fares are so high. Someone else rang in immediately after saying that train drivers are doing the same type of job as airline pilots and should get paid more. I probably would agree with that. All the bus drivers started phoning then saying they should get the same as train drivers.

The arguments raged on for most of the early show and I did enjoy it. By the way, after seeing a Flybe plane pilot being interviewed on the local news last week, I want to ask the pilot of the next Flybe flight I take from Scotland if his arm is OK! Earlier in the year, on a flight from Belfast to Brum, the pilot's prosthetic arm fell off during the flight! Read all about it!

There were loads of birdie visitors again today and I nearly chose this scruffy fellow but decided to stick with a morning sunrise. I'm glad the people whose house it was didn't open the curtains and see me!

Track? The Waterboys today - Fisherman's Blues

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