Into the Light

The morning light through the cottage window is spectacular, almost blinding as it reflects off the sea. This morning the dolphins came to visit and we had a lovely morning walking around the headland following them - mesmerising to watch them. Later we headed to Red Wharf Bay - one of my favourite places, for a quick picnic on the beach.

Every summer holiday Tom begs to go fishing, yet calamity often strikes - fully booked fishing trips, storms and engine breakdowns. Yesterday we'd turned up for our booked fishing trip only to find it was too windy to go out. Happily today's trip did go and we joined 10 others for a quiet afternoon under a deep blue sky trying to catch our supper - sadly to no avail unlike last year's mackeral feast.

In the evening we played games and Beewriter did photographic special effects with the boys as the wind howled around the lighthouse walls.

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