What a view!

Thanks for all your concerns for Bobbie yesterday, he's doing fine. He's still wearing the tee-shirt as doggy knickers which is doing the trick - it's stopped him biting at his stitches, although we have to keep taking them off for him to go to the toilet! We took Milou to the pet shop this morning in the hunt for a bigger 'lamp shade' for Bobbie , and then went for a walk along the cliffs. It's such a clear day we could see as far as Worthing, and it's so warm, it feels like summer's back, and I love the colour of the sea, it's so blue!

As for the rest of the day, we decided to stay at home as Alan wanted to start sorting through stuff in the garage ready for our move, and he's just been to the tip with a car full of rubbish so it looks better already. I've prepared a venison casserole which is cooking in the slower cooker, and have had an afternoon in the garden which has made a nice change.

Anyway, Alan's back now, so I'll go and see if he needs any help. Hope you're having a good Sunday!

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