The village pond

I had a funny start to the day today - I nipped into Rottingdean to pick up my curtains which have been shortened, and to drop off the other pair. When I got there the shop was shut even though it should have been open. This was frustrating, as I went yesterday afternoon not knowing that she closes early on Friday's, and I missed her by 5 minutes.

I phoned her and she said she had a problem - she has a retail shop in the village and the person who works for her couldn't come in today so she was at that shop instead. She said I could drop off the other pair of curtains there, but that she couldn't give me my others as she couldn't leave the shop. But then she suggested that if I minded her shop for her, she'd nip round and pick up my curtains.

She has a lovely boutique selling clothes, jewellery, handbags and gifts, and when I arrived there was a customer in the shop, to which she said 'I'll leave you with Karen'. I thought the whole situation was very strange - I know that I can be trusted, but she doesn't know me from Adam. I must have an honest face lol! The customer said hello and asked if I'd started working there, to which I said 'no', and explained about the curtains. Anyway, we had a nice chat, and then she returned with my curtains. The three of us carried on talking until I said that I'd better get going, otherwise I may have been here all day and Alan was waiting for me in the car! When I pick up the other set of curtains I might actually mention to her that if she ever needs any help, to give me a call - you never know!

We then went looking at Scooters and motorbikes, as Alan wants one to replace his quad for getting to and from work. He's seen one he likes and tomorrow he's taking his CBT (compulsory basic training) and then he'll make his mind up.

Back to my blip - I've struggled today as I've not taken many photos, and as it's been another lovely day, I contemplated going back out to try and get the sunset that never happened last night. But X Factor is about to start so I decided to blip this shot is of the village pond which Kipling's house overlooks. The forecast is looking good for all of next week, so fingers crossed I'll get a sunset at some point.

Anyway, I'll go and put the dinner out - hope you're having a good weekend!

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